Baby Life Support training for parents and carers
Baby life support training for parents courses are run by Lazarus Training. These short basic life support courses are for parents, other carers and anyone that wants to ensure they have the ability to save a life.
Many people will happily pay £20 to protect their mobile phone- but for less they could be trained in how to save a life, possibly even saving the life of their own child.
This baby life support training for parents course can be run for groups of parents, carers, childrens’ centres, play groups and pre-schools. Contact us to discuss your specific requirements about baby life support training for parents.
Typically a baby life support training for parents course covers topics such as:
Action in event of an emergency
Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation
Treatment of choking
Treatment of wounds
All courses use paediatric first aid training dolls appropriate to the age of your children. The baby life support training for parents course is highly practical and aimed at building the confidence of those that attend. We ensure there is plenty of time to practice the key basic life support skills and ask any first aid training questions that you may have. We also encourage you to stay in touch after your baby life support training for parents course, either directly to Lazarus Training or via social media such as our Facebook page, as some people that attend our baby life support training for parents courses think of questions after the course. No problem- just get in touch.
If you are attending one of our baby life support training for parents courses it is best to wear comfortable clothing, as you will end up on the floor! We firmly believe that first aid training is a “contact sport” and you will be involved in the training- something we have found really builds confidence in the first aid skills covered.
We run different versions of this course: 1.5 hours; 2 hours & 3 hours.
For more information call 0800 242 5210 or email: