First Person on Scene Training has gradually become accepted as a new standard for first aid training in many industries or settings. The workplace first aid course typically offered are relevant in just those circumstances- within a workplace with easy access to the emergency services. But for those working in more fluid or extreme settings the course isn’t always that appropriate.
Lazarus Training is now approved to deliver First Person on Scene training, both FPOS I and FPOS B either at its training centres in the UK or worldwide. FPOS B is aimed at people who can access medical backup such as an ambulance in less than 20 minutes, FPOS I is aimed at people who are working in more hostile or extreme environments and where access to that ambulance is likely to be more than 20 minutes.
Next FPOS I “Open” course dates in Essex: 8th-12th Feb 2016
Call 0800 242 5210 to book.
Lazarus Training is well know for its #trainforreal approach to medical training, ensuring that our delegates get fully emersed in the training experience to build their confidence. Our first person on scene training continues this theme with plenty of hands on scenarios. Our experienced training team, including our role-players, works hard to ensure all delegates gain the maximum medical skills and confidence during their time with us.
This course is popular with the close protection and security industry, but is useful for anyone who needs to be more self-reliant in their first aid provision, this course would be especially useful for anyone working in remote or hostile areas.
Call 0800 242 5210 or email to find out more.