Media workers in Afghanistan find themselves under a very high level of risk. With attacks directly against media workers and their places of work, employees should be looking to protect their staff. Part of a safety plan might be to provide media workers with safety training. This training often called Hostile Environments Awareness Training for media workers in Afghanistan [HEAT].

Lazarus Training provides HEAT training and standalone medical and first aid training courses for people working in challenging environments.

first person on scene training essex First Aid in Remote Locations Medical Assistance in Challenging Environments [MACE] Intermediate
Everywhere in the world, a great risk to health is road traffic collisions.

We hope to be able to provide this essential training in Kabul later this year [2019].

Our training normally takes place over a few days and covers topics such as:

Planning before the trip

Selection of kit and equipment

Emergency planning

Dealing with people, conflict and aggression

Weapon and explosive awareness [please note this isn’t training you to use weapons]

Explosive Remnants of War & Mines

Vehicle and driver safety including transiting checkpoints

Hostile environments first aid training

Travel health

Post traumatic stress

The course duration varies depending on the course content, but normally ranges from two to five days long. All our training is highly practical, with plenty of chance to practice the skills covered in the training. You can find out more information about our training on this site, including our approach to casualty simulation training here.

media first aid training hostile

But we also believe that training should be adapted to reflect the specific needs of each audience, therefore we are currently gathering feedback from media workers in Afghanistan about their training needs.

We also believe in sharing information via a number of methods, our training courses are delivered face to face, but we also provide information via our free smartphone app and via our social media platforms. The video below was a live Facebook broadcast that was made after a request from a media organisation that had changed the contents of their first aid kits.

We hope to be able to provide a very specific course in Hostile Environments Training for media workers in Afghanistan. If you would like to know more about this topic, or have suggestions for what should be covered and how, then please contact us. We have a range of medical courses which may also be of use, such as First Aid in Remote Locations and a new course for people working in Post Disaster Zones, such as after the recent floods.

You can email us on to find out more or to discuss this further.

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