Some people might see Friday as a good day to reflect on what they have achieved at work this week. Others are just looking forward to the weekend.ย As we prepare our training room for this weekends paediatric first aid course [that’s how some of our team are spending this weekend], laying out the kit for our delegates to practice their life saving skills, we starting talking about what had we done this week, month and so far this year.
We’re not normally that philosophical on Fridays, but that’s what happened. The conversation turned to the merits [or not] of working weekends. With many of our training team having worked in the emergency services, weekend working isn’t new territory, but we appreciate that for some of delegates it’s not welcome news!
The achievement we’re most proud of is the number of people we are introducing to life savings skills. In February 2016 we trained 248 people in first aid, 232 in January. So that is a total of 480 people prepared to save a life and it’s only the beginning of March!
In many ways we hope none of these “480” ever need to use their life saving skills, but the law of averages means that someone, will use some of their life saving skills at some point.